Additional services

The administrative platform of the practice is managed by a dynamic team with a passion for all aspects of medical practice.

Annamarie, Shirley and Alicia approach all administrative tasks with a professional enthusiasm that is second to none. They pride themselves on transparency and good communication with patients and their families.

Together, Dr Roelofse and his team are a strong, enthusiastic and proactive group of individuals with more than 20 years of experience in the medical field. Their extensive experience in management, nursing, administration, clinical reasoning and rehabilitation of patients (in hospital and privately) provides existing and prospective patients with assured peace of mind.

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  • Cardiac sonar
  • Holter ECGs
  • Lung function test to diagnose lung disease e.g. asthma, COPD (smokers’ asthma), etc.
  • ECG and Stress ECG tests to exclude ischaemic heart disease or diagnose cardiac arrthymias
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